"Fifteen years ago my husband and I bought our house. The price was right and it was close to family. But everyday that I lived in that house, I hated it. The ceilings were different heights, the windows drafty and unopenable, the bathrooms ancient, and I won't even mention the kitchen. In general the layout was very poor. In the spring of 1986 we decided to sell the house and look elsewhere. Well, being from a very close knit Italian family this started World War III. Everyone said "Why don't you renovate!" I was so sure it could never turn out the way I wanted without totally leveling the house, spending $100,000 or both but I began the process of looking for a contractor. After interviewing and rejecting 6 contractors, I found Dormer King and Tony and Tommy Petito. One night in May, Tony came to our house, very patiently listened to what I had to say, looked through the house, attic to basement and outside and t hen announced that it would be no problem, he could do the job.
Well, I was a bit skeptical. I didn't have Tony's ability to see what this would look like after all the work was complete and I told him that. He went to his car and returned with drafting paper and pencils. Sat at my kitchen table for the next four hours, without a signed contract, and drew the plans for the new house. I was speechless, and for me that's really something! It was beautiful! I couldn't believe that this man would actually spend the time to ease my apprehensions without even knowing if he would get the job. All the other contractors had insisted that I go to an architect first, because of the magnitude of the job to be done. Of course, I asked for references, which he gladly gave, and spent the next week making phone calls.
At the end of that week, Tony came back and we signed a contract. Construction, or should I say destruction, started the third week of August. On time too! Tony was there the first day and every day after that to see that the job was progressing as it should be. He introduced me to his foreman on the first crew and to the foreman of each subsequent crew. These crews work for Dormer King, they are not sub contractors. They were courteous, on time, never goofed off, and were careful not to destroy too much of the yard in the destruction stage. Each step of tearing down and rebuilding went very smoothly. Tony or his brother Tommy came by the house everyday and we discussed changes or straightened out minor problem areas.
When a problem did come up, it was taken care of immediately and always to my satisfaction. Dormer King is a very professional company, with very warm hearted and fair people running the business. Tony, Tommy, Doris, Scott, Sonny, Big John, Gene, Danny and especially the young fellows who had the clean up detail, all worked very hard to make this house a "HOME" to be proud of. I recommend this company very highly, for the big jobs and for the little ones. You would never find another group of people with their customers best interest at the forefront of their business. I would gladly show our home to any prospective customers who would like to see the kind of work Dormer King creates."
private turkey tours
L.M., Kings Park
"As we sit here in our new home we can't find the words to thank you enough for everything you have given us. From the first day we met you, we knew in our hearts that you were the one to build us our "dream home." From day one it has been nothing but a pleasure working with you and the Dormer King crew. You told us what you would do for us and you stuck to your worked on every detail. In our minds, "Dormer King" is truly the king of all contractors. You exceeded our greatest expectations. From Ann-Marie who helped to give shape to our ideas, to the "rip-out" crew, to the framers, the office staff (especially Wendy and now Dawn), Bill who is always in the background keeping things moving forward, Dan and the other craftsmen and to the "clean-up" team, everyone did their part to get the job done.
Chris, Sam and Lenny also played a big role in making the house workable (especially Chris who along with us waited and waited for the damn tile). Considering the magnitude of our project, everything stayed on the time line you had laid out for us. This was remarkable especially when you started in 6 inches of snow. Whenever a problem arose, no matter how small, you or a member of your staff was only a phone call away. We were so impressed when we called your service on a Saturday and found you on our front door step twenty minutes later. That's above and beyond anything we could have expected. Thank you, Tom, and the Dormer King Staff for everything. You have given us a home that we will proudly show to all of our friends and family. Whenever the opportunity offers itself we will sincerely praise the work of your company. We knew that we wanted to stay here in Babylon and raise our children here, and you made that possible."
Mr. & Mrs. O., West Babylon
T'was two weeks before Christmas, when all through the house, Hammers were banging and chased every mouse, The plastic was hung, by the stairway with care, In hopes that "Dormer King" soon would be there, The children were bundled in blankets and scarves, While up on the rooftop, wind blew every tarp, And I off to work and Gary at home, Had quickly discussed the plans of our home, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, We sprang from our bed, to see what was the matter, We ran for our coffee and awakened the kids, While trucks had dropped off, wood strapped to skids, The lawn was all covered, with nails and supplies, While ladders were placed, to carry up guys, The man on the roof, with the saw in his hand, Had given new meaning to our printed plan, More rapid than eagles, more workers they came, And they shouted and banged, and drove us insane, "Now Tommy, Now Mike, Now Mason, Now Frank," "On Sider, On Plumber, On Rich and the Bank," "TO the top of the porch, to the top of the wall," "Dash away, Dash away, Dash away all!" As shingles before, on the rooftop did lay, Had been scattered about, by the end of the day, THen up to the housetop, went the masons and crew, With a barrow of cement, to repair an old flue, And then in an instant, we heard on the roof, The prancing and stomping of every work boot, As we poked out our heads and were turning around, Down went the old chimney, thump to the ground, Men were covered in grit, from their head to their foot, And their clothes were all dirty with sand and black soot, Then came bundles of insulation, that were all neatly wrapped, And it shined and it shimmered from its foil back, Then came Tommy, to see how they'd done His face was all tan from the Florida sun, He smiled so broadly from ear to ear, And said they'd be done, by the end of the year, Than in a wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave us to know we had nothing to dread, He spoke not a word, as he watched his skilled men, "They'll finish up today, to return again," And the workers they worked and we had no fear, While the suppliers from the lawn, had all disappeared, Now the windows were white, in new vinyl clad, The porch with the gable, hand made us so glad, And the sides of the house, in beige tongue and groove, Quickly assured us, it was right not to move, The house stands so lovely, they all worked so hard, The children at peace, in the new rooms, so large, As a quiet falls upon us, as we look back and such, To all the people at "Dormer King," "we Thank You So Much." "Merry Christmas to All" "And to All a Great Year"
Mr & Mrs. T., Long Island